ESMS Application to Integrated Tiger Habitat Conservation Programme Projects
TLLG worked with KfW and IUCN on the application of KfW’s safeguard requirements in a portfolio of tiger conservation projects financed by the Federal Republic of Germany through KfW Development Bank and implemented by IUCN. Through this assignment TLLG provided support on the application of IUCN’s Environmental and Social Management System (ESMS) to a selection of projects pertaining to the ITHCP. This included conducting desk-based screening of project concepts and an in-field risk assessment including projects in Nepal, India, Indonesia and Myanmar. TLLG also worked with those projects that have identified risks – for example the risk of restricting communities’ access to natural resources – to develop action plans that avoid, minimise and mitigate these impacts. This work built on TLLGs experiences in the design of community-based natural resource management projects and is integral to our belief of developing conservation projects built on community interests.

Client: KfW and IUCN
Duration: March 2019 – June 2020