Application of environmental and social safeguards in tiger conservation projects
The Integrated Tiger Habitat Conservation Programme (ITHCP) is a grant-making initiative which contributes to the Global Tiger Recovery Programme (GTRP). ITHCP is financed by the Federal Republic of Germany through KfW Development Bank and implemented by IUCN. Phase 3 of the ITHCP includes tiger conservation projects in Indonesia, Nepal, India, and Bhutan.
TLLG worked with IUCN, KfW, and the project proponents to ensure that the Phase 3 projects are developed in alignment with the IUCN Environmental and Social Management System (ESMS). This included conducting environmental and social assessments to understand potential social impacts of tiger conservation measures, such as human wildlife conflict, and livelihood impacts of access restrictions. TLLG worked with the project proponents to develop safeguard plans such as Community Engagement and Planning Frameworks, Process Frameworks, Grievance Redress Mechanisms, Stakeholder Engagement Plans, and Free Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC) Protocols. These plans aimed to ensure that there is robust community engagement and feasible livelihood interventions and other project activities to incentivise rural communities to invest in tiger conservation efforts.

Photo: Rimbang Baling Wildlife Reserve, Sumatra, July 2019
Funder: IUCN
Standard: IUCN ESMS and KfW Sustainability Guidelines
Location: International
Period: Sep 2021 to March 2024
