Caucasus Nature Fund (CNF) Environmental and Social Management System (ESMS)
The Caucasus Nature Fund (CNF) is a transboundary Conservation Trust Fund founded in 2007 as a trust under German law by the German Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), Conservation International and the World Wildlife Fund (WWF). CNF was established to support nature conservation in the South Caucasus (Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan) through the region's network of Protected Areas. CNF currently funds 21 Protected Areas across the region and this work is supported by several donor programmes, including the BMZ (through KfW), the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), Global Environment Facility (GEF) and the Wyss Foundation.
In order to incorporate the KfW Sustainability Guidelines into CNF operations, TLLG worked with the CNF team and KfW to design and develop an Environmental and Social Management System (ESMS) aligned with the World Bank Environmental and Social Framework, and other international standards and guidelines. The project also entailed developing practical procedures for CNF, its partner government agencies and Protected Area managers to follow in order to manage potential environmental and social risks.

Photo: Periphery of Dilijan National Park © Jake Willis, TLLG, 2023

Funder: Caucasus Nature Fund and KfW
Location: Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan
Period: February 2023 to December 2023