Development of Environmental and Social Action Plans (ESAPs) for three conservation landscapes in Zambia with African Parks
Since 2003, African Parks has collaborated with Zambia’s Department of National Parks and Wildlife (DNPW), the primary regulatory authority responsible for the effective management of Zambia’s Protected Areas. This partnership has led to three management agreements between African Parks and DNPW: Liuwa Plain National Park (2003), Bangweulu Wetlands (2008), and Kafue National Park (2022).
In 2024, TLLG were contracted by African Parks' teams to conduct a comprehensive Environmental and Social Due Diligence (ESDD) and to co-create tailored Environmental and Social Action Plans (ESAPs) for each landscape. Central to this process was active engagement with stakeholders, including Park teams, Community Resource Boards, Village Action Groups, and directly affected community members. This inclusive approach ensured a thorough assessment of risks and impacts, including for example access restrictions, human-wildlife conflicts, and law enforcement activities. As a result, the assignment further developed TLLG's practical protocols for conducting ESDDs and establishing an Environmental and Social Action Plan.

Photo: Consulting fishers on proposed changes in fisheries management on Lake Itezhi-Tezhi.
Funder: African Parks
Location: Zambia
Period: January 2024 to December 2024