Equitable, Rights-based, and Inclusive Carbon Project Support for the Africa Forest Carbon Catalyst
TLLG is working with The Nature Conservancy to develop and deliver technical support to three projects in the Africa Forest Carbon Catalyst:
West Africa Blue, Sierra Leone
Northern Rangelands Trust Coastal programme, Kenya
The assignment has two key objectives:
Providing input, guidance, and mentorship to three project proponents at the early stages of developing carbon projects, with a focus on mainstreaming an inclusive, equitable, and rights-based approach to project design and implementation.
Producing broadly applicable guidance and resources on mainstreaming an inclusive, equitable, and rights-based approach to carbon project design and implementation that could be made publicly available.
TLLG and TNC believe that centring equity in the design and implementation of a carbon project is essential to project success, and not simply a nice to have.
Three components of equity form the body of the support being provided, which includes:
Procedural aspects of equity, including stakeholder engagement planning, grievance redress, Free, Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC), and co-design of project activities.
Recognitional aspects of equity, including rights analysis, socioeconomic assessment and impact monitoring, and inclusive project governance.
Distributional aspects, including environmental and social impact assessment and risk management, livelihood restoration and improvement, and equitable benefit-sharing mechanism development.
Guidance and resources being developed includes thematic guidance which explains the importance of these aspects of equity to project success, and activity protocols which provide project teams with step-by-step and practical guidance on how to operationalise these concepts.
Photo: Arabuko forest, Kenya. © Roshni Lodhia
Client: The Nature Conservancy
Location: Africa
Period: November 2023 to April 2026