ESMS application in Manas National Park and the Karbi Hills, India
The Integrated Tiger Habitat Conservation Programme (ITHCP) is a grant-making initiative which contributes to the Global Tiger Recovery Programme (GTRP), financed through the KfW Development Bank and implemented by IUCN. ITHCP Phase IV.I focuses on sites in Assam (India) and Sumatra (Indonesia) and builds on successes achieved in ITHCP Phase I.
TLLG worked with IUCN, KfW and Assamese conservation and development NGO Aaranyak to conduct a targeted risk assessment and provided on-going ESMS capacity-building in the Manas Landscape (including Manas National Park) and the Kaziranga Karbi Anglong Tiger Conservation Landscape, which includes the customary lands of the indigenous Karbi Tribe. The assignment included planning and conducting an E&S assessment, capacity-building of Aaranyak staff, conducting stakeholder interviews and group discussions in the target landscapes, a compliance assessment against the IUCN reference framework, gap analysis and participatory design of safeguard plans to address risks linked primarily to existing conservation programmes in the two landscapes.

Photo: Female Royal Bengal Tiger © Koshy Koshy (CC BY 2.0)
Funder: IUCN
Standard: IUCN ESMS and KfW Sustainability Guidelines
Location: India
Period: Sep 2022 – October 2023