Livelihood Feasibility Assessment in Primeiras & Segundas Environmental Protection Area (PSEPA)
WWF was developing an initiative to improve the management of the Primeiras and Segundas Environmental Protection Area (PSEPA) in Nampula and Zambezia Provinces since 2018. The initiative “Safeguarding PSEPA” aimed to establish the initial PSEPA administration and governance structure, work with coastal communities to strengthen community fisheries and natural resource management organisations, and to develop community conservation areas along the coastline including Angoche, Moma and Pebane Districts.
TLLG provided support on the design and development of an Environmental and Social Assessment, focusing on the social and economic costs and benefits of fisheries and conservation management measures within the PSEPA seascape. TLLG also partnered with the Challenges Group to conduct a livelihood feasibility assessment, to assess the potential for the project to establish small and medium scale enterprises in the seascape in order to provide viable alternative income sources to coastal fishing communities. Business plans were developed to pilot these enterprises in the seascape. The project and technical support were funded by the Blue Action Fund and co-funded by WWF-US.

Photo: Meeting with the Natural Resource Management Committees (CGRNs) of Koti Island, Quilua village © Helena Salencia, WWF, August 2022

Funder: Blue Action Fund and co-funded by WWF-US.
Location: Mozambique
Period: May 2022 to November 2022