Pre-Feasibility Assessment for Blue Carbon Project in Tanga Region, Tanzania
Fauna & Flora (F&F) and their local Tanzanian partner Mwambao Coastal Community Network (Mwambao) are exploring the potential for a ‘blue carbon’ project focussed on local mangrove forest management in Tanzania’s Tanga region.
TLLG carried out a pre-feasibility assessment of the potential project to:
Assess whether the location is suitable for such a project
Identify possible activity types for the work,
Decide on the most appropriate standard under which to certify credits, and
Assess potential carbon benefits from mangrove protection and restoration activities.

Photo: Planting mangroves in Kukuu Pemba, through the MKUBA eco-credit scheme. ©Mwambao, Jules Roberts.
Client: Fauna & Flora
Location: Tanga Region, Tanzania
Period: Nov 2022 to Dec 2023