Pre-Feasibility Assessment for Great Green Wall Carbon Project, Burkina Faso
The Great Green Wall is an African-led movement that aims to establish a wide belt of trees, vegetation and fertile land across the Sahel. As part of its ongoing contribution to the Great Green Wall movement, Tree Aid is exploring the potential to generate income from the sale of Verified Carbon Units to help finance its tree planting and landscape restoration activities in Burkina Faso.
TLLG was contracted by Tree Aid to help them explore the feasibility of developing a Verified Carbon Standard (VCS) and Climate Community and Biodiversity Standards (CCBS) certified carbon project in Burkina Faso. Tasks included: i) Developing a typology for typical baseline conditions in potential project areas in Burkina Faso, based on information provided by Tree Aid; ii) Developing a description of typical enrichment planting/reforestation activities that would be carried out within project areas, with details of species to be planted, planting density, and other management activities; iii) Developing a description of typical agroforestry activities that would be carried out within project areas, with details of species to be planted, planting density, and other management activities; and iv) Estimating the potential carbon benefits under the baseline and project scenarios, following approaches described in CDM Afforestation/Reforestation Methodologies that are approved for use in VCS projects.
Photo: © Tree Aid
Client: Tree Aid
Location: Burkina Faso
Period: May to Jun 2021