Scoping Study for Agroforestry Carbon Project in Gulu District, Uganda
Lush Investments and Alumalum Rural Investments with support from the Gulu District Government, and funding and technical assistance from Partnerships for Forests are carrying out a reforestation project in Northern Uganda, that involves around 800 smallholder farmers. The project aims to implement sustainable cocoa, vanilla, timber, and charcoal production, while reforesting, regenerating, and conserving over 900 acres of forest. The project also aims to produce verified carbon credits.
TLLG carried out a scoping study to determine the potential carbon benefits of the project and assess the feasibility of generating verified carbon credits. Activities included:
Describing pre-project land cover, land use and land management in the project areas and identify the most likely baseline scenario,
Describing the project interventions with the potential to generate verified carbon credits,
Exploring potential project risks and barriers to implementation,
Screening the project against key eligibility criteria for Plan Vivo, and VCS/CCB certification and providing recommendations for achieving eligibility,
Identifying carbon benefit quantification methodologies potentially applicable to the project interventions,
An initial assessment of potential carbon benefits from each potential project intervention based on benefits from similar projects and interventions reported in the literature and/or simple tree or stand growth models,
Highlighting key considerations for environmental and social safeguarding, and
Summarising transaction costs, and estimating potential income from the sale of carbon credits.

Photo: Interviewing farmers in agroforestry field in Gulu District © Jenny Langan Farmer 2023
Client: Alumalum Rural Investments
Funder: Partnerships for Forests
Location: Gulu District, Uganda
Period: Mar to May 2023